Company statement regarding Covid

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If you have been living under a rock, it might excuse you for not hearing the term “unprecedented times” It has been infamously trending for some time and sadly, it has seeped into the Construction industry.
The situation the industry is experiencing is like nothing that we have dealt with in the past.
The global pandemic does not discriminate, it affects us all and Jorgensens Commercial Builders have felt the impact like everyone else. Therefore we must update our community on how we are managing the situation.

Mitigating the spread of the virus amongst our team members, contractors, sub-contractors and clients is our top priority. That is somewhat within our control and we have got policies and procedures in place, however, there are aspects of our industry out of our control.
We have experienced a significant impact across the industry relating to the availability and supply of materials and resources to continue the continuity of construction. Unforeseen delays are now commonplace, whether materials are sourced locally or interstate as staff shortages impact transport and manufacture alike.

Jorgensens have a reputation for completing projects ON-TIME, our philosophy has stood the test of time and we hope to continue endorsing this philosophy, however, given the circumstances we are facing at the moment, we need to ADAPT and PIVOT. Our mantra in construction is “do it once, do it right” and for us to continue to deliver high-end projects we ask that our clients, our community and all our contractors and subcontractors adapt and pivot with us. Quality is of the utmost importance to us, and unfortunately, if we cannot achieve contracted timeframes given the current climate, we refuse to compromise on quality.

Patience and understanding go a long way and as long as communication is transparent, the Jorgensens team strongly believe we can continue to work together to complete projects. – as TIMELY AS POSSIBLE.

Much appreciated.


Tim Cox

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